Monday, April 26, 2010

The Tooth Fairy will Visit Soon

Clare has around 6 loose teeth! Better notify the Tooth Fairy to take out loan to pay for them all!

Ultrasound 4/22

We had a 2nd ultrasound this past week, and everything looked great, including the heart. Whatta relief! This child is proving to be a stinker like their big sis, and not cooperating much during the ultrasounds. Although, s/he took some time to wave and say, "hey Clare" during part of it. The baby is 1 pound 1oz.

Clare with pics, baby card, and sucker in hand is a happy big-sis-to-be.

Friday, April 23, 2010

We're Baaaaackk!

It's been close to a year since I've posted anything. With all of the relatives on Facebook, it seemed redundant to post updates on both. But now, with not everyone on Facebook wanting or needing to hear every update about our family, I've decided to come back to blogspot. This way, you can check out updates when you want, not having them being thrown at you on Facebook.